Your Role as a Believer

The problems confronting America are overwhelming and at times, so depressing that optimism seems like folly.  But, in times of crisis and confusion, we remember that Jesus is our hope.  Placing our hope and faith in Jesus means that we are not at the mercy of the world.  Our future is solidly in God’s hands.

Although we are in God’s care, Jesus instructs us to be ready, alert, watchful.  In Luke 12:35-59, he tells us that we are to be faithful and sensible stewards prepared for his return and carrying out his mission of helping others with loving actions.  He says in verse 43 (NASV), “Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes (in verse 42 that is giving others rations at the proper time). Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions.”  Jesus considers being ready and working until he returns worthy of reward.  He is reminding us of our mission while he is away and that it is twofold: remaining aware of what is happening around us, the signs of the times, and staying committed to God while helping others by spreading the gospel and representing him to the world.

Jesus warns us in verses 46-48 that when we know God’s will and choose not to act, we will face the same fate as unbelievers.  This is a stern and sobering warning that Christians are to be engaged in God’s work when Jesus returns.

How then should Christians respond to the distressing times in which we live? How do we remain alert and how do we help others?  What are we supposed to be doing?

First, each Christian must return to God in humble repentance. Christians must root out all sin from their lives, leave false teaching and prophets behind, stand for God’s truth no matter the cost, and undertake the Acts of Faithfulness necessary to know God better, discern his will, and submit to him in obedience.

God cannot be manipulated with half-hearted discipleship.  This is the message of verses 47-48 where Jesus warns that Christians should know what God requires (like love, mercy, obedience, humility) and if they decide to ignore or disobey these mandates, they will face harsher judgement than that of a person who did not know God’s requirements.

Next, after returning to God the way he requires, each repentant Christian should pray and study God’s word.  Learning to pray effectively is an important part of the Christian walk and a duty of discipleship. After spending time with God, asking for guidance, believers should encourage other believers to return to God.  No matter how spiritually mature or holy, every Christian should return to God to renew his/her commitment to him during this time of darkness, adversity, and growing apostasy.

Engaging others can be intimidating especially in our “woke” culture.  Leading a Bible study at your church or in your neighborhood is one way to encourage other believers to return to God.  By courageously sharing your experiences, prayers, and insights, you can help others renew their commitment to God’s truth, strengthen their families and churches, and intercede for the foundational change our nation needs to survive.

Each Christian should engage loved ones in meaningful conversation about our need, as individuals and as a nation, to return to God fully–honoring his way and following his Biblical instructions.  Using the Bible study at the end of Return to God: How Christians can Intercede for America, groups of believers—families, church groups, and non-profits—can pray, plan and work together for real change.  Christians committed to Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, and carrying out Acts of Faithfulness, revolutionize the world around them.  This was the way of the early church, the first disciples of Jesus, and it’s our way forward as well.

To learn more about Returning to God in repentance with Acts of Faithfulness, click here.